Follow Through Navigation Widget

Personally, this is my favorite must have widget. Doesn't matter if its a blog or a website. To have this widget is certainly very handy and put your audiences at ease. What does it do you ask? Whenever you scroll your blogger and your browser's screen pass your navigation bar, the navigation bar will follow through your page scrolling and resides on the top (if you want it to be on the top like the one that we have built). We even use it on this site if you realize. The design of this navigation can be exactly as your current navigation or if you want it to be slightly different but still suits your current template. We'll make one for you right away.

The one that you see below is the default navigation that we built and the placement is on the top of the browser's screen. If you want the placement to be elsewhere. We can cater it for you. Click the image below if you want to check out how it works live.

This widget comes under several packages that we offer. Click here to learn more.

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